=============================================================== KNOWN ISSUES & TODO.TXT - Last Modified: 05/25/02 @ 02:31PM EST =============================================================== DemiSentry Copyright 2002 by: Digital Alchemy art@unknownrealm.og http://www.unknownrealm.org/demise ============== Known Problems ============== - The current version may not work properly (at all?) under Windows 9x/ME. This is due to my use of VirtualAllocEx and VirtualFreeEx API calls to allocate memory space in the 'Demise Internet Server.exe' process so I can properly allocate an LV_ITEM structure for the LVM_GETITEMTEXT message. - Under Windows 98 (possibly Win95/ME as well) the Window Style WS_EX_APPWINDOW is not set to the MDI Application window. Works OK under XP/W2K -- why? - Minimizing the MDI App via its minimize button under Windows 98 (possibly Win95/ME) and then using the Hide/Show features of DemiSentry can cause it to get the wrong Window Handle and make life interesting. This problem manifests itself because the WS_EX_APPWINDOW style is not set properly and the Minimize button remains available. - The 'Close Server' toolbar button exits DemiSentry, but will leave the Demise Internet Server process running in the background. =================== TODO - COMING SOON! =================== - Popup menu for TaskTray - cleanup of rough edges in various spots (options, caption deafults, etc) - Incorporate ability to modify server settings (Post messages to open Demise MDI windows, like Server COnfiguration) - Add commonly used tools (GuildMaster reset, Monster Repop, etc) Requirements: ------------- tabctl32.ocx mscomctl.ocx MSVBVM60.dll